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«You can't solve a problem with the same mind that created it»
Albert Einstein

The recent extensive globalization, in combination with the swift growth of information technology and telecommunication applications, alters rapidly the terms of competition worldwide. The enlargement of the European Union, the shift of economic significance from the West to the East and the continuously increasing interdependence of markets, create significant challenges for the Enterprises universally. At the same time, the establishment of the worldwide knowledge society, the internet, the informatics developments of Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) applications and the Business Intelligence (BI) systems, influence the chain of value of productive enterprises, introducing major changes to the manufacture and distribution of products and services.

In order for the Greek Enterprise to cope with the modern challenges, it is necessary to revise the way it operates, to abandon its introversion and to focus much more closely on its customer and his needs.

In Advanced Services Group, we do not follow the traditional way of "thinking" and subsequently suggesting quick "recipes for success". On the contrary, we seek to become mechanisms and facilitators of change for the Greek Enterprise acting as an effective liaison between the enterprise and (a) the customer and the market and (b) the recent technological developments.

Since the company's establishment in 1988, ASG follows closely the developments that shape worldwide business operational environment and we are fully aware that the multi-dimensional and specialised needs of the customers, of private sector enterprises or public sector organisations, in Greece as well as internationally, cannot be met with one-dimensional solutions or pre-determined standardised package services. Our approach is based on the provision of solutions that combine the latest Information Technology and Communications (ICT) identified after careful study, designed and developed, in all cases, specifically to meet to the particular requirements of each customer (custom made solutions).


In order to implement such philosophy and approach, ASG developed important international strategic alliances, with similar consulting and information technology enterprises worldwide.

ASG's approach is portrayed in the diagram that follows:


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