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Company History & Milestones

Advanced Services Group, Ltd (ASG) was established, as a Limited Liability Company, in Athens, Greece on January 1988. The founding shareholders had already an extensive experience in offering consulting services in the USA and Europe. The most important company milestones from its foundation up to date, are presented briefly below.

Year Milestone 1988

  The company was established with the purpose to provide consultancy services, specializing initially in designing and implementing offset benefits projects, for multinational companies such as Boeing Aerospace, Bouygues, Rockwell Collins & Rolls Royce, which participated in large international tenders for transportation & defense projects in Greece. At the same time, the company undertakes on behalf of the Ministry Of National Economy, its first project for the Greek Public Sector concerning the preparation of a feasibility study for establishing and operating the first Liaison Research - Industry Bureaux in Greece.
1989 With the commencement of the first Community Support Framework (CSF) for Greece, the company undertakes specialized studies or participates in projects implemented through international tenders on behalf of various European Union Directorates (D.G. V, D.G. XIII, D.G. XVI, D.G. VII, D.G. XXIII, D.G. I.) and also provides consultancy services for the management of co-funded projects, amongst the Greek State and the E.U. implemented by major enterprises and organizations of the country's private and public sector.
1993 Gradually, the company's information technology activities, are developed, following the undertaking of designing and support the Greek Ministry of National Economy imlpementing the European Community Initiative "RETEX", for the period of 1994-2000 with total budget €143 millions. Such task included the planning and development of two large scaled management systems in order to support the evaluation of 6.346 submitted proposals and to monitor 3.860 approved projects under implementation, by 4.560 Greek small and medium size companies. The company's Department of Information Technology is fully established and staffed by experienced IT personel and gradually undertakes the implementation of a large number of projects of information technology and telematics in Greece as well as in the European Union.
1995 Utilising the company's know-how in providing consultancy and IT services, throughout the duration of B' CSF, the company consolidates its position through the undertaking of numerous projects for the provision of consultancy services and develops specialized information systems for implementation planning, management and evaluation of Community Programs for institutions such as the Ministry of National Economy, the Greek Export Organisation, the Hellenic Organisation of Small and Medium Enterprises and Handicraft etc.
1999 The company undertakes IT innovative design and development work in electronic Governence, under the framework of "REGIONET" project, for the European Union program "TELEMATICS APPLICATIONS" which was assigned by the European Union Committee to a consortium with participating organizations from Germany, the United Kingdom, Greece and Spain, aiming to design and develop citizen's support services via internet and infokiosks for Local Governmental Organizations, such as the Municipality of Patra, the Municipality of Alexandroupoli and the Prefecture of Ioannina in Greece. The Internet applications which the company developed, in the frame of the above project, set the bases for electronic governing and established best practices that are still applied today on a wide scale, by such organizations.
2000 In the frame of European program INFO 2000 and in association with cultural institutions by the European Union, ASG enters the cultural sector participating in the implementation of the Citeaux 2000 project, for the internet presentation through a portal site for specialized cultural heritage of the French Abbeys, which related to the Citeaux Theological/ Philosophical Movement.
2002 The conditions that are shaped by the spread of ICT, combined with the utilisation of C' CSF, render a more imperative need for institutions of the public and private sector for specialised services, which combine know-how in consultancy services and in depth knowledge for utilizing appropriate and specific applications of information and telecommunication technology. Respectively, the strategic choices of the company are re-shaped and in addition to the existing sectors of specialisation (strategic planning, management, program implementation, study formulation, internet applications etc), its activities are also focused on new sectors that face important challenges in regard to their organisational functional modernisation with the use of ICT, such as the Agricultural and Health Sector development.
2006 The Quality Assurance System, which the company applies for the provision of consultancy services and the development of software applications, is certified by the TUV Austria Hellas according to the ISO 9001:2000 quality standard. Since then it is being renewed every year.
2007 The company purchases an office property and moves its activities to new offices, on 12 Ventouri Street in Holargos, Attica, Athens, Greece, where renovates completely a whole floor space and invests on space re-organization, telecommunications and information, networks as well as equipment, utilising the latest available technology in software and hardware.
2008 The company celebrates 20 years of active operation and as one of the oldest business consulting firms in Greece. Concurrently, ASG becomes certified associate of the company "Aura Portal", a distinguished international informatics company based in Spain, with active presence in 36 countries all over the world, concerning the implementation of intranet, document management, business process management and information systems integration, and introduces the innovative Business Process Management System (BPMS) - CRM to the Greek Market. Amongst the clients/users of this particular system, major multi-national industries of products/food and wholesale distributors such as Coca-Cola and Carrefour, telecommunication services such as the Spanish Telefonica or automobile such as Toyota and Yamaha, are included. Aura Portal is estimated as one of the top BPMS of the world by the leading consulting company, "Gartner Inc." and is included in the Magic Quandrant Of the company as an example of the next generation BPMS.



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